烈治文山 Richmond Hill
270 West Beaver Creek Rd,
Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3Z1

(905) 881-8778

Mon - Sun: 10am to 8pm

網上下單 (稍後推出)
Online Order (Coming Soon)

士嘉堡 Scarborough
3700 Midland Ave #109,
Scarborough, ON M1V 0B3

(647) 834-7834

Mon - Sun: 11am to 8pm

Online Order Available Now!


香港「沾仔記」由二零一二年開始, 連續七年獲得「港澳版」《米芝蓮車胎人美食推介餐廳》名銜

The Hong Kong location has been on the list of Michelin Guide recommended restaurants since 2012